Starting up your own business can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most daunting tasks you ever have to undertake as well as being a great risk. Many new businesses fail in their first couple of years and not always due to a lack of adequate considerations. Sometimes a business for whatever reason won’t take off and no matter what you do or how well you planned it simply will not be successful. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to do everything in your power to give yourself the best possible chances of achieving your goals.
Finding a niche is key and so is timing. Selecting the right business at the right moment can alter your chances considerably. Markets can become oversaturated or dominated by larger more established firms. One area which has started seeing an increasing number of businesses set up is antique reproductions. Be it furniture or other products there seems to be an increased public demand for it. Therefore, it stands to reason that now would be a good time to start up your own business in this field. So what should you do to give yourself as much of a helping hand as possible?

Business Plan
It should go without saying but this will clearly be the first and potentially most important thing you do. Making a robust plan will help you to see how your business is tracking and whether you are on course or not. Organising your finances properly at this point could dictate the entire success of the business so do your homework and seek qualified advice if you require.
Consider Contacts

Do you already know anybody who has set up their own antique reproduction company? If so you should use them as a fountain of knowledge and gather ideas and experience from them. Anyone else you know though who has set up their own business will have advice and stories to tell so you should ask around. Even if someone has gone into a completely different type of business they will have faced similar perils which you might come across. Consider also if you know anyone who works for a business which could help your own such as materials or delivery. Building up a network will aid your cause greatly so spend the time getting to know different people who might be able to help you out later down the line.

You need to ensure there is enough room in your market for another competitor i.e. yourself. If the region you live in has already got a number of well-established antique reproduction companies, there might not be enough wiggle room left for you. Any business thrives of its customers and demand for this rather niche product will quickly become fulfilled. If the local competition isn’t really up to scratch and you think you can oust them then, by all means, go ahead but do a little market research beforehand. There might be a good reason why they are not pulling in a lot of business and you might not do any better.
Buy an Existing Business
You don’t necessarily have to start up your own business from the very beginning. It could well be a much more sensible option to buy an existing antique reproduction shop. Purchasing a business from somebody will potentially reduce your costs considerably. As well as this you will possibly be able to maintain the previous owner’s list of clients and contacts. There may not be enough room for the two of you and so if you are determined to be in a certain location this may be your only choice. You can then change the business and do as you please but exploring this possibility might be one of the best choices you could make.